What a span of a few days it has been within the motorsports world, especially NASCAR……

I am not going to touch on the horrendous decision on ending the 600 Sunday night. That will be saved for the shows this week. I am sharing some thoughts on this late night about another thing that is being absolutely blown so far out of proportion that it is ridiculous:

Donald Trump visiting the Coca Cola 600. 

At my last check, sporting events, whether they be baseball, football, basketball, hockey, soccer, or motorsports are PUBLIC EVENTS. They aren’t some elite invitation only setups. Before, and after his visit to the 600, social media turned into an absolute toxic dump at levels even worse than before. People absolutely bashing people for taking a simple photo with him. Let me put this disclaimer out there: I AM IN NO WAY SHAPE OR FORM TAKING A POLITICAL SIDE. I despise politics because that is the one sole thing that has absolutely destroyed this country in my opinion. I could honestly care less about it. It has caused people to have complete disrespect for each other, because they may disagree on something. All I have seen all day is “keep politics out of sports this, keep politics out of sports that.” If you go back and look at the definition of keeping politics out of NASCAR, It refers to POLITICAL FIGURES SPONSORING CARS FOR CAMPAIGNS. It doesn’t mean that someone can’t visit a race as a guest, whether it be of a team or of a track itself. And the aspect of it disrespecting a main figure from 4 years ago, Bubba Wallace: GIVE ME A BREAK. Pretty sure he could care less because he had a job to go do, to which he had a very solid run in the 600 until the weather impacted. And to the bashing of Richard Petty of all people, just for taking a photo with the man in a private suite at CMS, GROW UP. I could guarantee you that you would not confront The King about it face to face.  THE GASLIGHTING with the THUMBS ON THE KEYBOARD that a certain side of social media is doing is inexcusable. Things like this right here are what divides sports and civilization. I have heard ” Trump coming to a race setback the sport and progress for years to come….”

I ask you this simple one word question, to which you probably can not give a logical answer to:   HOW????

Until you see a negative impact happen from someone visiting an event of our sport, do us all a favor and shut up. 

The crowds at these tracks now, whether it be outside or inside the garage, are as diverse as ever on MANY levels. Things like this that certain wings of social media within the sport are doing causes the division, it doesn’t bring it together.  

To this certain wing of social media, and a few select media members that I saw make comments too: GROW UP and use your platforms to BUILD UP, not BREAK DOWN what has gotten better step by step over the past years. Because if someone doesn’t step up and be that person to be positive:   HERE WE GO, AGAIN…….

There is one thing that is for certain so far in 2024 in the NASCAR Cup Series….

The short track racing has been quite lackluster to say the least. 

Superspeedways are always going to produce the show of all shows. It’s going to be awfully hard to top the Ambetter Health 400 finish from Atlanta Motor Speedway in race 2 of this year. The mile and a half tracks are slowly continuing to produce good races. But like the road courses, the short tracks have fell off the face of the earth. People have been screaming that need more horsepower. While I do agree that cup cars need to me max horsepower that the chassis will withstand, I don’t fully believe that is the full problem. So what is it you think is the problem, Matt???

Funny you should ask….

The tires are the problem. When you have a wider contact patch on the ground, going from a 15 to 18 inch tire on these next gen cars, in theory, that makes the cars EASIER to drive. Denny Hamlin said it best on his podcast this week, When the cars are almost dead equal across the board, that makes things too easy. The tires are not wearing hardly any, save face from Bristol. When the stage two winner goes 180 laps on left sides, at Martinsville, THATS A PROBLEM. 

These cars are CUP SERIES CARS. They are NOT supposed to be so easy to drive that your grandparents could drive. 

Make the tires as soft as sponges, put 925 hp under the hood (don’t say it can’t be done NASCAR, because Doug Yates will tell you otherwise), and put these short tracks back into the drivers’ hands. They ACCIDENTALLY stumbled on something good at Bristol. It reminded me of when iRacing had a patch error and put 950 hp in the ARCA cars, and people screamed leave it alone. This is fantastic. 


Fix these cars and stop giving us the SHORT END OF THE STICK at these short track races. 

     No matter if you are a diehard fan of, or absolutely cannot stand Ty Gibbs, there is absolutely one thing you cannot deny: He has an immense amount of talent behind the wheel of a race car, PERIOD. I have never been the biggest fan of the JGR organization, but I respect the heck out of them because they get it done on the racetrack, in Xfinity and Cup series both.

     Yesterday, they got it done again in the Xfinity Series in willing their second straight Xfinity championship as a team, this time with Ty Gibbs. Many thought he wouldn’t get it done because it was basically 3 JRM cars against him, and plus after his dust up at Martinsville last week, he virtually had a target on the back of his #54 Supra. Gotta give him credit, he stepped up in the face of adversity and won the war, as I like to say. 

    Now it was time to turn focus to his duties as fill in for Kurt Busch at 23XI in cup. But then it came onto social media like a wildfire that He would be out today due to an unexpected family emergency. For hours, many including myself wondered what was going on, because the silence from the Gibbs team and family was absolutely deafening. Speculation was absolutely rampid. I would say around noon drivers were sending messages of prayers, thoughts and condolences to JGR and Ty Gibbs. Then about 1:30 it happened, confirmation of the situation: Ty’s father, Coy Gibbs, unexpectedly passed away in his sleep overnight.  There are two reasons I am writing this…..

     First reason is this: No matter how much you are a fan of, or dislike him, personally I feel for Ty right now. To go from one step below the top of the stock car mountain as a NASCAR champion, to losing your dad unexpectedly within a 24 hour window has to be a gut punch like none other. Even though many in this world have dealt with this similar situation, NOT ONE single soul deserves to have to deal with it. With how much the Gibbs family shares and displays their faith, it will get them through this tragic situation and make it a little easier, because they can have full solace that they will see Coy again. 

   Here is reason number two:  For Coach and his wife Mrs. Pat, I ache with them tremendously. Let me be very clear, VERY CLEAR, on something: I ache for Ty a huge amount because the kid lost his Dad one night after winning a championship, But for Coach and Mrs. Pat, I ache for them on another level because we unfortunately share a common theme: losing a child. They have now lost two, Coy and JD, in THREE years. Honestly that is unfathomable and very unfortunate. Kyle Petty said it best today on the NBC broadcast: ” It is an unfortunate club that you DO NOT want to be a part of.” When I heard those words, I won’t lie, I got misty eyed. When I lost my son Blaine in 2018, It was a gut punch unlike anything I have ever experienced. It put me and my wife Starlit in a very dark place for a long time. A former coworker of mine, Jesse Reaves said these words to me, and they couldn’t be anymore true: ” You aren’t supposed to lay your kids to rest before it’s your time to go.” He was fortunate to have 49 years with JD, and 49 years with Coy, where as I unfortunately didn’t get any time with my son due to stillbirth, at 39 weeks. Coach Gibbs has had a hard time in this category since 2019 when he first lost JD. Now he has lost Coy.  I will say this, I have looked at Coach as a role model on how to hold onto your faith in tough times of loss, because as I said earlier, we share an unfortunate bond. He is one person that has held himself immensely well in the face of tragedy, and there is no doubt he will do it again. 

    Ty: Hold your head high, hang onto the faith that your family shows and publicly exemplifies on a daily basis and the good Lord will see you through it step by step. Your Dad will be right there in the car with you every lap from here on out.

   Coach: Prayers to you and your wife on having to deal with this again. It isn’t fair for you to have to lay to rest another son. But as it is said within the Christian faith: God hands the toughest battles to the toughest soldiers.

   God can take anyone from the top of the mountain to the lowest part of the valley in the blink of an eye. Many have experienced it in life, but one thing is for sure: Stronger faith and stronger people always come out of tough situations.


                                                                                                                 Godspeed Coy Gibbs.



A few weeks ago when we had back to back weeks of guests from the NHRA, first week being Matt Schiess, engine specialist for Lex Joon Racing, and the second week being the pilot himself, Lex Joon, it flipped my switch to “bright” to make it to an NHRA event. I had planned in June to go up to the Thunder Valley Nationals at Bristol, but sickness came into play and couldn’t go. I still was dead set on making it to one this year. The tough part being deciding which one. NHRA isn’t very prevalent in the Southeast much anymore, outside of Charlotte, Gainesville, and Bristol, because Atlanta is no longer operating. So, after talking with Schiess alot, he pretty much had me convinced to experience Indianapolis for the US Nationals at IRP. After the interview with Lex, I had it made up in my mind that Indy it would be. First NHRA race, to be at a crown jewel event for the series??  I would be absolutely insane not to take advantage of it. 

A good friend of mine, AJ, got me setup with media credentials, for the entire event, which I IMMENSELY appreciated him doing when he didn’t have to. Because he wanted it to count for me as well. I was taking one for the team, because logistics wouldn’t allow Steve to make it with me, which I really hated he couldn’t.  All while doing the show on the road this past Saturday, I was running through my mind what to expect, because I had never taken part of an event in drag racing of this magnitude. EVER. Upon arriving in Brownsburg, at IRP, around 3:45PM on Saturday, I was notified that the media parking credential I had was parking areas staged inside of the iconic IRP OVAL. That was a shock. While getting out, I knew one of the Nitro classes was on track, just didn’t know which one. Turned out to be Funny Car. My initial thoughts were “my gracious, what a sound”. 11,000 horsepower engines were shaking my vehicle, and I was at parked AT LEAST 200 yards from the strip. I made darn sure to have my earplugs in my pocket, because I didn’t feel like having to go back to Alabama deaf. While walking down the concourse over to “Nitro Alley”, where the Top Fuel and Funny Car teams were staged, the essence of nitro methane fuel, didn’t just slap me in the chin, it downright threw a haymaker to my face. All I could think was “wow, unreal.” I started up one alley, passing the likes of the TSR paddock, the Schumacher racing paddock, Kalitta, Jim Head, Antron Brown, Cruz Pedregon, Mike Salinas, and other paddocks while on my way to find the paddock area of Lex Joon. Every paddock was crowed because the drivers were mingling and signing stuff for the fans, all WHILE THE CARS WERE BEING WARMED UP! That made an INSTANT impression on me, because I am not accustomed to seeing accessibility like that in NASCAR. Finally got over to where Lex and his team were, and was able to get very close to the car. being able to stand less than 8 feet from an 11,000 horsepower engine warming up in insane. It will shake the hairs on your head, and then some. Now the nitro fumes, was exactly what Schiess described to me: Like being in a gas chamber for about 30 seconds. He would know because he is ex military. Those fumes set my eyes on absolute fire, and I could feel my lungs burning to no end. Last thing I wanted to do was get sick as a dog in the first 30 minutes there, and still had 2 full days to go. So off to the media center I went to find AJ. He met me outside and said “come on, we’re going to the line.”  Instantly I said lead me there chief, because the “kid in a candy store” mentality awoke in me. 

Made it down there to see the start of Q2 of Top Fuel. Schiess said to us on the show it’s like getting hit in the chest when they launch. Boy was he dead on. When Mike Salinas and Will Smith launched for their runs, I felt myself become very, VERY wide eyed. I had never in my life heard and felt something like that. Best way to describe hearing that first run up close for me was “insane”. After staying up there for a few runs, little did I know I was about to cross paths and link up with two hometown family members, that I had zero clue I would run into. While talking to them for a bit, because I hadn’t seen them in many years, I told him I would like to meet Don Schumacher, because they are close friends. I had remembered that from a past time we had talked. He had said that Don wouldn’t be there the rest of the weekend, but he would take care of me on Monday. I’m going to fast forward to Monday, because Sunday was a pretty calm day just being between the media center and Lex’s paddock area. Getting to talk to Lex on Sunday was a treat, because he was every bit of a spectacular guy to talk to in person as he was when we interviewed him. He left a high impression on me, being very hospitable and great to talk to, all coming after I had made connection talking to Allie, the Media Relations Director for NHRA, and Allen Rhinehart, the voice of the NHRA. Allen gave me some really good advice that I am going to take and combine it with what Steve, Matt Coulter, Grady, and Dan Lockemy have taught me about broadcasting and PA work in motorsports. 

So Monday about 9:45 I get a message from one of the family members saying “meet us at the DSR hospitality area”. My radar went off and I headed that way. Bo, one of my family members, said here in a few minutes I am going to introduce you to Tony. He was referring to Tony Schumacher, 8 time NHRA World Champion! I instantly under my breath said, and in my mind went into Tom Brady “LETS GO” mentality. The “lets go” meter went to about the halfway mark. After finding out he was having a debrief session with his CC, we went to walking, Bo and myself. Bobbi, my other family member, stayed back at the tent with others she was good friends with, like Tony’s wife, Summer. Bo proceeds to tell me that “we going to go talk to Matt Hagan.”

The let’s go meter inched up a little higher.

Got to talk to him, along with his dad, who is very well known in motorsports in Virginia. He didn’t have to say, but I could tell he was going to make this one really count for me, after I told him this was my very first NHRA event. Then he says out of nowhere, we are going to find Bob. As in Funny Car pilot Bob Tasca III. The meter creeps up a little higher again, this time being touching what Id say is about the 13/16 full mark. Bob was busy and couldn’t come out, so he took off and said let’s go talk to Billy and Steve.  I instantly thought “wait a minute, I know he isn’t walking me over to where I think we are going!” Sure enough It was…..walking into the paddock area of Team Capco Contractors to talk to Billy Torrence and Steve Torrence. 

Now the glass had officially shattered in the meter. 

Billy and Steve were not busy and took alot of time to talk. Judging from the conversation and how nice they were, you would have thought we had known each other for 25 years. The conversation could not have been better. The real treat was getting to talk to “Mamma Kay”, Billy’s wife and Steve’s mother, whom both said to me “she runs the show”, To which I laughed hysterically. She talked more about driving a McLaren vs. a Corvette, to which she then said she prefers her Porsche. I couldn’t find any words to say to that. After they graciously took a photo with me, we worked our way back to the tent to eat a bite. Now the racer in me came out big because although I wanted to talk to Lex and the team alot more than I got to, they were there to do a job and I didn’t want to disrupt mindset any, because they were one of 25 cars trying to get into a 16 car field, at the biggest drag race on the planet, and I was going to fully respect that with them being a part time team in a massive field. I love the underdogs, and the Never Quit mindset they have.  This Top Fuel field at Indy went down as the fastest field in NHRA History. The track record was broken twice, just for reference, in ET and Speed. When we got back, Tony was available and was very gracious to talk. I got invited to join them at their private table behind the tent, to which ended up sitting with Bo, Bobbi, Tony, Tony’s wife Summer, his uncles, Bob and O.D., and Joe and Cathy Maynard, the owners of Tony’s new team, Maynard Family Racing. 

Getting invited to come by Schiess, then getting to mingle with the group at Lex Joon Racing was pretty big for me. But getting to mingle and talk to Lex, Tony Schumacher, Matt Hagan, Billy Torrence, and Steve Torrence altogether..I have to rank the conversations 1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, and 1e because it would be hard to rank any one over the other, because all the conversations were outstanding, and then some.

The past few weeks in my personal life haven’t been the greatest, I am not afraid to admit that. But I feel like the Good Lord put me up in Indy this weekend for a reason. Just to show me there are good times to be had within struggles. I have needed something like this for a while now, and it has exceeded my expectations. The pomp and circumstance of the biggest drag race in the world is 10 times more exciting live, than it is on television. The overall accessibility of the NHRA is extremely impressive, from driver meetings all the way to being very close to the racing action. Ended up making in person connections with Allen Rhinehart, Lex Joon, Matt Hagan, Billy Torrence, Steve Torrence, Momma Kay Torrence, Tony Schumacher, The extended family of Don Schumacher, and Joe and Cathy Maynard. To anyone that has never seen the NHRA Live, I recommend you do it at least once. It is eye opening, in more ways than one.

To Matt Schiess: Thank you for talking me into coming to the US Nationals and introducing me to Lex Joon and the NHRA. It was incredible to experience the biggest drag race on the planet, under the team’s wing.

To Bo and Bobbi: Thank you for doing what you done for me in Indy and helping me make these added connections that I never thought I would have gotten to do, ever.

To the NHRA: YOU WILL SEE ME AGAIN, SOON. Because I am going to say it this simple: I was SOLD after seeing my first run down at most iconic dragstrip in the world.  

Now, which Dragway is next…………STAY TUNED.

Alright boys and girls…..

I have slept on it for a night, and processed what I saw yesterday in the LA Memorial Coliseum for the Busch Light Clash. Overall, the racing was good. Pretty much what you can COMMONLY see at any local bullring here in the Southeast, or anywhere else in the US. I won’t define it as great, because the track was a little too tight for my liking, There wasn’t enough outright “clean” passes. Way too much playing pinball. The reason I say that is because I’ve been to several short track races and it can be done. (SEE Ty Dillon as my example of playing pinball). My personal opinion, the overall main was too short. Should have been 200 laps or more. 150 laps flew by. 200 laps would have added another element of action to the race in my opinion. From the overall “fanfare” of the event, I thought it was good. Having music acts, combined with sports celebrities from USC interacting with fans and being dignitaries made it “flare”. The one thing that could have went better….is having a better driver intro person. I expected better from Gus Johnson of Fox Sports. 


Overall, I rate the first Clash at the Coliseum a B. There’s room for improvement, but it doesn’t need much. 

  This is one story I haven’t told much.

   In 2000, I was fortunate enough to be chosen to speak at the Talladega Texaco Walk of Fame ceremony. That year, the inductees were Darrell Waltrip and the late Bobby Hamilton. I was elated to be invited to the pre-ceremony, invitation only, reception. The entire time going up, I was nervous because I was going to get to be in a room where I had no clue who all would be there: current stars or legends of the past. Several local people were there that my family knew. We were conversing with them most of the time. After practice had concluded at Talladega that Friday, the dignitaries, inductees, and SEVERAL series figures started rolling in. The emcee of the event was the late Benny Parsons. I was introduced to him first when he came. You absolutely couldn’t imagine how nice of a gentleman he was. Throughout the reception, I had the opportunity to get photos and speak to people the likes of Robert Yates, Ricky Rudd, Bobby Hamilton, Darrell Waltrip, Mike Helton, Ernie Irvan, Benny Parsons himself, Phil Parsons, Richard Childress, and many others. 

   About 30 minutes before the reception ended, two more very large figures made their appearance. One of them was Dr. Jerry Punch, and the other was Bob Jenkins. I thought that my conversation with BP was good, boy was I wrong. I was introduced to them by BP himself, because it impressed Benny so much that I skipped our homecoming game that night to be at the ceremony. Bob asked me what led me to skip the game to be here. I simply told him things like this are once in a lifetime, and you don’t pass up a chance for rare opportunities if you get them. Doc had that “i’m impressed” look on his face, but the words Bob said were striking, and have stayed etched in my mind still to this day. Bob Jenkins uttered these words to me: ” I look at that as how I got my opportunity. I was a race fan that got lucky, and you are a race fan that got lucky enough to do this.” The only words that I could say, because it struck a lasting impression on me so hard, was ” Yes sir, you’re right.” Our conversation lasted about another 15 minutes or so before we had to go to downtown to the park for the ceremony. To this day, my conversation with Bob has been unforgettable. He even sat by me on the stage. One question I got to ask him was his: “What is one thing you enjoy so much about what you do, whether its on radio or television?” His response was subtle, yet humble: “Because I adore getting to paint the picture and tell the story of the sport to the fan that may not be able to see the race.” 

   The conversation has had a lasting impact on me, because he was so humble, and extremely nice to speak with. That night I was able to get a photo with Benny and Doc Punch, but wasn’t able to get one with Bob because he was a popular figure to talk to. The aspect that he took the time to speak to little ol’ me meant just as much as a photo. 

  This morning, the Good Lord called Bob Jenkins home, after his valiant fight with brain cancer. Arguably he will live on as the most iconic voice in motorsports broadcasting. Whether it was at his beloved home at IMS, or in our backyard at Talladega, his voice is unmistakable. As the FSU Seminoles stated about their beloved Coach Bobby Bowden this week: “Today we lost a legend, but you never lose a legacy.” Bob’s legacy will never be gone. 

  With my current involvement in the NASCAR ranks, his response to my reasoning for being there that day means more to me now than ever. 

 “We’re just race fans that got lucky”

May you rest in eternal peace Bob Jenkins. Godspeed, and we’ll see you on the other side. 

     When you look at the title of this, you would think I am about to go on an absolute rant about the state of motorsports today as it relates to the times we live in today, and to what is in store for motorsports worldwide, but i’m not sharing my thoughts about that with this piece. I am talking about the individuals that will be The Future of Motorsports: the young racers. 

     I started my career in 2008 driving. I’m not retired yet, so I consider myself a driver still. Just waiting on the right opportunity to present itself. Over 10 years of driving, before I went to the sidelines when my wife and I were expecting our first child, I had many high points and high moments. Overall, nothing came into comparison when the opportunity presented itself to be a mentor in some form to a young racer. Whether it was physical help, or just giving advice, I relished the chance because any situation that presented itself with a young racer, no matter the age, told me that they looked up to me in some way. It should make anyone feel good when a young man or young lady looks up to you on the racetrack. 

    From 2015-2017, I had the absolute joy of being a part of Ponder Racing. Davy and Nicole are two of my best friends i have ever had. Davy is like a brother, and Nicole is like my big sister I never had. Their kids, Libby, Gracie, and Jonathan are my adopted nieces and nephews that I will treat like they are biological until I am called home. Jonathan drove mini late models at the kart track at Talladega. I think it was 2017 he had a mammoth breakout year. He clinched the division championship with many wins that year. He did it with sheer aggression and attentiveness, and a refuse to lose mentality. He didn’t want a handout, he wanted to earn it, which was a result of his upbringing. And that he did, several times.He hasn’t been on track for a bit now, but hopefully the opportunity will arise again where we all can go back to the red clay oval, because I miss seeing his aggressive driving style that garnered many wins. Fast forward to present day, 2020……

   Ever since 2017, I haven’t been to a dirt track but one time. Although a new form of “dirt racing” has garnered my attention, and has done so quickly: MOTOCROSS. A few weeks back, on the show, we had a young fella on, Patrick Adam Kirk. He’s an up and coming motocross rider. Me, my wife, and his parents, Patrick and Michelle are developing a closer friendship daily through being members of Munford Baptist Church. People as good as them are a dime a dozen these days. They are selfless people. For a 7 year old like Patrick Adam, with the small stature he has, average Joe or Jane would think he doesn’t stand a chance…… THINK AGAIN. 

For the past several weeks, yet months, even though with several invites from his dad to come watch a race, timing just hasn’t allowed for me. Following Patrick Adam’s events on social media, along with talking to his dad many times through the week, the racer instinct in me has told me that this kid has the ability in the future to be a force in the motocross ranks. Solid results, with video to back it up just further solidified my theory. Well, after the morning services, the words “practice at the house” were thrown to me. I couldn’t resist and went down to finally see lil man “saddle his horse up and ride”. Lets just say my “impressed” meter pegged out. He and his dad had their own little “race”. The best way to picture it is that Patrick ran “rabbit”, and Patrick Adam was the “rabbit dog” in pursuit. I think it for about 5 laps, it looked like Buford T. Justice in hot pursuit of The Bandit. It left me speechless, because I was watching a 7 year old run a motorcycle id say in excess of 40 mph with ZERO FEAR, and a “I will catch you” look in his eye. Before that, he was perfecting his craft on gate starts with his dad as “gate man”. With laser focus, he executed flawless, and listened to every letter of every word of every piece of coaching advice he was given to get better. During the “chase”, a small “mishap” occured, that brought it to a stop. We got back to him, and he had banged his leg pretty good. Now the natural reaction of a 7 year old kid came first, emotional, because he was sore, but the racer instinct in me didn’t see that solely. I honestly saw a racer, that was upset because he didn’t catch the rabbit, and the rabbit got away. While his bike was being checked out, I walked with him for a short distance, asked him 2-3 times “you good”? After every time asked, I got the same reply, with a tear in his eye.. “Yeah i’m good, just hurts”. All while walking it off.

  Y’all, the kid impressed me to no end, because hes a 7 year old with the don’t quit mentality and determination of a 40 year old. I will say this in full confidence…..and you can time stamp this: this kid’s current success is a result of his parents’ upbringing of him. When you combine that, plus his “don’t quit” mentality, and determined focus level, he will be DANGEROUS in future seasons to come, and i’m beyond looking forward to watching him climb up the ladder. Just like Jonathan, Patrick Adam wants to earn his place in the motorsports world. Kids like these two gentleman define what is good in motorsports. You go earn your place, not buy your way into or onto a ride, and be coached to perfect your talent, no matter if its on two wheels or four. There are many “flaws” in the level of talent in motorsports, and how they obtain their rides, but these two imparticular are NOT flawed. 

     They are the “Future of Motorsports.”

     This past weekend at Talladega Superspeedway was eventful. Yes, weekends here are always eventful, but this past one was eventful on quite a different level. Everyone that resides here on this third rock that rotates around the sun had there eyes on this area yesterday for the GEICO 500, after the rain delay and other events that happened on Sunday. 

     Every one knows of what occured Sunday with, what I will label it as, the finding of the noose shaped apparatus in the garage area, particularly in the garage stall that the 43 car of Bubba Wallace was in. On this Tuesday, everyone now knows what the FBI Birmingham office found in its conclusion of the investigation. With everything going on in America, particularly in race relations, things like this have to be treated seriously until fair, complete and unbiased investigations are completed to the fullest. Nobody can deny that is exactly what happened. After revelation today that what was considered to be a noose was actually the garage door pull cord, the conspiracy theorists stormed to the forefront, which left me with one reaction and one reaction only: 

   “Here we GO.”

   Now, I fully get that teams are gonna do what makes the job at the racetrack the easiest, no matter what it is. Anything from the lifting to the garage door to changing an engine, they’re gonna simplify anything. Yes, pulling a garage door up ISN’T hard. I have common sense, which most people don’t have these days. But, simplifying a job at a racetrack is gonna be done by anyone, even if its tying a loop into a pullcord on a door. My question is this: Why didn’t the team that was in the stall before put it back like it was found, after the FALL 2019 race? Out of the 40 plus garage stalls, it was found that this was the only stall that had this, which personally I found odd. But see my previous statement, each team is gonna simplify everything at the track. Now, its time for me to pull the soapbox out of the closet, dust it off, and plant my two feet on it:

  For every single one of you that are saying that this was a setup, and Bubba and the 43 team knew what was going on, get a life. GET A DARNED LIFE. Bubba wasn’t in the garage, and I SERIOUSLY DOUBT that his team would do that on purpose. Comparing this to the scenario of Jussie Smollett is disgraceful. Photos and video clips from last fall show that it was there during the event weekend. NASCAR, nor RPM honestly had no reason to fabricate anything, just to cause a scene. Anyone that does anything to fabricate something just to make themselves look good on ANY LEVEL needs to get their heads checked. Its a sad situation all the way around, no matter how you look at it, because simply put, this whole deal was a no win situation for anyone. Lets just say it did turn up to be a hate crime that was committed, a black eye would be on the sport for it happening within a super restricted garage area. Even further, the stereotype the sport has faced for many years in the past would be deepened severely. If it was determined that what happened wasn’t a hate crime, which this was the result, a black eye would be still on the sport, and as well on Bubba Wallace, because conspiracies and hoaxes would run rampid, accusations would be made of this being a setup. The keyboard warriors are out in armies doing the latter. It is really heinous and disgraceful in my eyes that people are comparing Wallace to Smollett in this case, when this is NOT even close. NASCAR did the right thing in looking at this in a serious manner, because as I said earlier, in today’s society, you never know what one person is thinking, no matter their respective race. Where I have a disagreement, is that I feel like it should have been investigated quietly, then release the findings. The reason I say that is because once certain wings, NOT ALL of the media took it and ran a marathon with it, which cast the negative light on the sport.  You can respectfully disagree if you want, just I can respectfully disagree with you if your respective viewpoint is different. 

   At the end of the day, NASCAR and the track DID RIGHT by investigating the incident to get the facts, but with it being released as quick as it was, it essentially created a PR nightmare, for the series and the track. The events of the show of solidarity by the teams and competitors on Monday gave a clear definition to everyone that NASCAR is FAMILY, no matter the gender or creed. The Kenny Chesney hit “The Boys of Fall” has a key line in it: ” You mess with one man, YOU GOT US ALL.” One Clint Bowyer stated that exact same thing on his social media on Monday. Deep down, I know that if something that resembled a hate crime was committed against Kyle Busch, or even Daniel Suarez, It would be treated the EXACT SAME WAY. 

   NASCAR won by showing the world of the solidarity between its teams and drivers, letting everyone know that inequality will not be tolerated, when they pushed the 43 to the end of pit road on Monday, and stood with Wallace. The sport gained many new fans, of all creeds, by this act of solidarity. The sanctioning body took action, now they are dealing with the reaction. Unfortunately it isn’t a positive reaction so far from many. But, with the people I personally know in the sport, track staffs imparticular, will be nothing short of professional in dealing with this backlash that is happening and will rise above this challenge and make the sport stronger than ever. In my opinion we all need to let this go, race on, and do our respective part to make this beloved sport of ours better, no matter what it is. 

  As my late grandmother always told me “You can’t go forward looking out of the rear view mirror”. If many continue to look at what happened at Talladega and harp on it, we won’t get anywhere. 

Let’s Race….

 Five Cup events are now in the books since NASCAR has made the return to live racing. The racing has been good, with intense moments within each respective race. But one thing has lacked……The one thing that makes the world go round for the sport:


After every event, each respective winner at every start/finish line interview has had the most dumbfounded look you’ve ever seen. Nobody can say they haven’t. To get out of their car to complete silence, when they are used to getting out to cheers or even boos/jeers, is wearing hard on these competitors. Its clearly evident. Seeing these grand stadiums, Darlington, Charlotte, and Bristol, so far, be completely bare while events are rolling is depressing to me. Even though there is a glowing hot spotlight on NASCAR, being the first major US sport to return to competition, In my own personal opinion, I think the boat was missed a little, and I am gonna clearly give my reason why..

Lets travel back in time to the year of 1968, to a very large festival known as Woodstock…………..

No “social distancing”, no “masks”, no “limits on capacity”, no “mandated government shutdowns”…..

H3N2 flu was running rampid, similar to what is occuring now with this Covid mess. Over 100,000 people flocked to the hallowed grounds to the festival, and went off without a hitch. The H3N2 flu still exists to this day, and is much deadlier than what we are seeing now. Life went on as normal back in the late 60’s/early 70’s. 

Here’s my point:

If somthing of that magnitude can occur, and no mass casualties/sickness came from it, races with fans can easily occur just like that did. Yes, I don’t disagree with doing it in phases, but it can still be done. Lets use a track FOR EXAMPLE on how my theory could work, say the glorious facility in our backyard, Talladega Superspeedway. 

The permanent seating capacity there is roughly 80,000. Being politically correct for today’s standards, which irks me some, if you went with the insane Dr. Fauci thing of “social distancing”, and chose a 35% capacity rate, that’s 28,000 people in the stands. That number of people could EASILY space out. Let me put this disclaimer out there, I GET FULLY THE PROCEDURES AND PROTOCOLS THE SPORT HAS TO PUT IN PLACE, AS A BLANKET, for legalities. I understand that things have to be done for that reason. But, a massive benchmark could be set for American sports If someone would just try it. Heck, use the old dirt racing method of signing a waiver when entering, clearing the track of liabilities if you got sick. Lets look at the places that have ran events with fans so far: Lake Ozark Speedway, I-55 Raceway, South Alabama Speedway, Ace Speedway, shoot I could go on….but have we heard of mass sickness from these events? 


There’s your benchmark. If these short tracks can pull this off flawlessly, the bigger tracks can to. Because from what I have seen on social media, all signs, literally, point to Indianapolis on July 4th weekend as being race one with fans returning. I will bet every dime there is in this world, and will probably win, that Roger Penske and Mark Miles will execute having fans at the track TO PERFECTION. Then someone, somewhere, will spark the “WHY WASN’T THIS DONE SOONER” question. I absolutely am NOT saying any other track couldn’t execute a plan at all, because of all the people at each track I have met and gotten acquainted with outside of our home at Talladega are fantastic individuals and could execute the same identical thing to perfection. They are just playing the cards in the hand they have been currently dealt. They can’t go all in, they can’t bluff. They have to “call” the bet placed on the table, in poker terms. Eddie Gossage at Texas Motor Speedway i’m sure is salivating at the mouth right now waiting for the series to come to town because Texas has opened stadiums up to a percentage of spectators, to start. 

I am sure my fellow comrades at Talladega Superspeedway feel the exact same as me when I say this: It is gonna be extremely awkward and depressing to see an empty facility, that is a #1 fan destination for the sport. As I said earlier, I get that routes have to be taken to get things back running smoothly in this day and time, but its time to start getting back to a full normal and bring back what makes the sport what it is.


(These thoughts and opinions above do not reflect anyone elses opinions)

Dear ‘Dega, 

   It was really strange on the last weekend of April, your normal timeslot on the NASCAR schedule, to be sitting at home and not embarking on your grounds. The strange went to another level when I drove by you and there was absolute silence: no campers, no campfires, no music, no parties, and no engines screaming. I, like millions of other fans and series employees have wondered ever since the shutdown came about and your April date was postponed, when you would come to life in 2020. 

   Well on today, May 14th,  NASCAR gave notice to your legion of fans and loyal patrons that you would come to life on June 20 and 21st, but with a caviat. Many, including myself, prayed that you would be in the group of tracks that would be a part of bring “normal” back by hosting fans for your first date of 2020, because the atmosphere and nightlife you bring to our beloved area, and to the sport is second to none. Many relish and crave the chance to experience what you bring to the table for racing and comradery. We know that won’t be the case this time, because you will put on your show on the track without your legion of 100,000 fans in attendance. Many are frustrated. Many are sad. But yet, many know that this “un-normal” we are facing will not last for long. For the ones of us that long and have a yearning to be on your grounds to be a part of what we love, we know October awaits. Lets be thankful and thank the good Lord above that you didn’t lose one of your cherished dates with the schedule reshuffle. We know that you will still give us what we love: action packed, intense 3 and 4 wide racing, although we will have to relish it from afar. 

    Keep the high banks rolling, keep the infield primed, and keep those campgrounds quiet, because in October…we are all coming to see our fellow comrades, light a campfire, give you a big hug and tell you how much we missed ya, Because “YOU ARE TALLADEGA”.



A loyal patron of 31 years.